When Multiply went belly-up, Shmoozezone was created, to be a member-run alternative. In the beginning it seemed promising, despite the stupid name it was given. It originally had the name Civitar, implying civic discourse. To schmooze does not have the same atmosphere.

As time went on, from 2012 to the present, it became increasingly obvious that one administrator had odd prejudices, leaning toward white supremacy, right-wing politics, Islamiphobia, and intolerance of any view to the contrary.

Anticipating the impending uselessness and likely demise of S-Zone, I have collected over 8 years worth of my blogs, and made them available below, each in PDF format.

The Origin of Jim Crow Laws-- 2/14/2021
The State of Things-- 1/1/21
Election Absurdities-- December 2020
Trump's Hired Help-- 12/5/20
Confirming the Theocrat-- 10/17/20
Justice Denied-- 9/30/20
Beware the Paranoids-- 9/24/20
Secretary of White Supremacy-- 9/20/20
Gods Don't Exist-- 8/20/20
Disease Disinformation-- 8/2/20
John Lewis Eulogy-- 8/2/20
Good News-- Equality-- 6/16/20
The Body Electric-- 2/16/20
The Un-opposed Threat-- 5/4/19
Prioritizing Immigration Reform-- 4/14/19
The North American Union-- 4/9/19
Don't Blame the Innocent -- 1/14/18
Invisible Racists-- 1/20/18
Understanding Is Not Enough-- 2/10/18
The Second Amendment Problem-- 2/19/18
Identity Politics-- 4/29/18
The Day That Almost Ended History-- 1/6/17
Leftists Acting Like Right-Wingers-- 1/26/17
Canadian Oil Sands-- 2/6/17
Weapons of Mass Distraction-- 4/12/17
The Problems with Religion and Individualism -- 6/19/17
What Is Justice Worth?-- 7/11/17
The White Nationalist Threat (and related articles) -- 10/25/17
Too Many Rights?-- 11/23/17
Think Social Justice Is Funny?-- 11/26/17
Racial Bias in Police and Banks-- 3/15/19
Stranger Than Fiction-- 12/23/16
Cuba Routes-- 4/3/16
Why Do We Have Gun Nuts?-- 6/19/16
Forever Forward-- 7/12/16
Generalization-- 8/23/16
Freedom of Expression-- 8/31/16
Attacks On Democracy-- 9/21/16
Examining the Criticisms of Hillary Clinton -- 10/26/16
Choosing Day-- 11/8/16
The Tragedy of November 8 -- 11/10/16
No More Opera -- 12/29/13
The Georgia Guidestones -- 1/25/15
Burgling for Big Brother -- 5/24/15
Domestic Racial Terrorism -- 6/20/15
Economic Myths -- 7/4/15
World War 2 and the Muslim World-- 8/23/15
Exploiting Extremism -- 9/21/15
Dragon Droppings -- 10/9/15
Repairing American Capitalism -- 3/13/16
Youth in Asia?-- 2/13/14
The Atmosphere in Ukraine -- 4/11/14
The Obligation of a Citizen -- 5/25/14
Learning All the History-- 6/1/14
Man Against Man-- 6/8/14
Planned Chaos-- 6/29/14
The Death of Peace-- 7/3/14
Islam and Atheism-- 7/31/14
Iraq 'em, You Break 'em -- 9/24/14
Hidden History -- 12/5/14
The World of Hurt-- 12/11/14
Everything All the Time -- 1/30/13
A Sustainable Planet-- 2/1/13
Remote Control War-- 2/8/13
Reluctant Emancipation -- 2/19/13
The Politics of Skin -- 2/26/13
Why Slavery? -- 4/2/13
Senators bought by the NRA -- 4/18/13
The Most Dangerous Country -- 5/5/13
With Open Arms -- 5/20/13
The Syria Mistake -- 6/15/13
An Open Letter to President Obama -- 6/25/13
A Coup or Not a Coup? -- 7/3/13
Is Indonesia Next? -- 7/9/13
A War on Privacy -- 7/21/13
Motive -- 8/21/13
Preventing a Syria Attack -- 9/6/13
Sabotaging Health Care -- 11/3/13
Pearl Harbor --12/9/12
Newtown Connecticut -- 12/15/12
Not So Deep in the Heart of Taxes -- 12/31/12

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