Drug Peace

Since Sept. 11, 2001 it should have become evident to everyone that there is some REAL police work out there to be done: investigating potential terrorists and stopping them before they do harm. It is remarkably stupid to waste police personnel and resources on victimless crime.

We need to let our legislators know that drugs should be decriminalized. prohibition ruins the lives of millions of people who harm no one.Throwing drug law violators into prisons along with thieves, rapists, and murderers increases crime, reduces respect for the law, and overcrowds the courts and prison systems.

Nearly everyone would want to cooperate and assist police if their target is a terrorist, or, for that matter, any violent criminal or thief. But as long as there is a drug war, who knows whether we can trust the police? Narcotics officers can and do lie, resorting to all sorts of trickery and evidence-planting. Drug laws are the main reason people distrust and fear police.

Although few drug smugglers and dealers are politically motivated, prohibition does create an opportunity for terrorist groups to make large and untraceable profits to finance an attack.

Much more harm is done by drug prohibition than by use of the drugs themselves. With decriminalization, the clandestine (though obvious and often annoying) night-time drug dealing in apartment complexes and dark alleys would be a thing of the past. Dealing drugs would be as legitimate as selling tupperware. Though some people develop addictions to drugs, that is also true of alcohol, gambling, and food. It is much easier to concentrate on giving and getting help for an addiction without the complication of illegality.


Arizona voters have approved medical marijuana use. and I believe we are all tired of being lied to by the anti-drug establishment, and sick of seeing good people jailed for peacefully enjoying themselves.

The proposition was clumsily written and confusing. It combined two different issues: that of giving free cannibas to those in medical need of it, and the decriminalization itself.

Although the first part was a worthy idea, it became the target of a disinformation attack using the slogan 'Free Pot? Bad idea!', which seems to portray the proponents of the proposition as radical socialists.

Another attack repeatedly mentioned that prop. 203 supporters had spent a lot of money on the effort, presumably implying that they were wealthy drug dealers. This unspoken allegation ignores the fact that the more illegal something is, the higher the profit will be to the providers.

The drug enforcement establishment will stop at nothing to try to protect their source of income. They are not like normal police officers who could simply be reassigned to another crime division. The drug war has created an army of mercenaries, unprincipled and vicious, and not to be underestimated.

We must keep trying, refining the presentation and strategy, clearly educating voters and countering the simplistic illogical smears and scare tactics from the drug-war establishment.

Decriminalizing marijuana is a small but important step in stopping the drug war. That war is being fought by governments against us, the people. Whether or not you approve of drugs, you should know that the toll on our society taken by the useless and stupid attempts to enforce one definition of morality has been and will be far more devastating than any negative effect of drugs.
We are involved in a real war, the one against terrorists. Not only does the drug war waste valuable resources, it also does something far worse: it breeds distrust of law enforcement. I believe that all Americans want to work together with law enforcement to protect our homes and cities from those who would destroy them. We should all be able to do that without fear, regardless of whether we prefer to relax with a beer or with a joint.



n.o.r.m.l.National Org. for Reform of Marijuana Laws

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